Heather in MT, one of the winners in my syrup giveaway, sent a very lovely little note (by actual mail! You know, envelopes, stamps, etc...) on which she hand-painted this lovely little scene.
I immediately recognized it as coming from one of my photographs in a post about cleaning up the yard.
I like the painting far more than the photo.
Watercolor is my greatest love in painting. I love the simple freshness of it and the lovely things the paint does with water. (Sigh... this is making me want to get out my paints again... I have no excuse.)
And this little brush sketch with ink in just the right places is simply adorable!
I absolutely love it, so I just had to share it here!
I'm so glad you like it! and YES, you MUST get your paints out again and start playing with them. I know it's hard... I am still struggling to stay motivated, and not let life take charge of me and keep me from those things I love to do. I'm happy if my little 'thank you' got your painting motor running.