There comes a time...
In life...
When you must say a fond, but firm, "farewell".
When some things...
...just don't...
..."cut it"...
So! Out with the old, in with the new!
R.I.P. old kitchen friends.
It was time.
Bonus Postus Scriptus:
I just couldn't resist the opportunity to illustrate my dingy-wingy-batah-bingy. As I sat down to compose this edifying bit of enlightenment, I made myself a Hot Buttered Rum, my new favorite and most relaxing evening drink. Except I... well, I... can hardly admit it... I, uh... forgot the rum. So I sat here sipping my Hot Buttered Water for a full 7 minutes before I looked up and thought... Wow, my alcohol tolerance has suddenly skyrocketed because I'm not even remotely sleepy... wait... what's wrong with this drink? Right. Well then. A friend recently told me that it's cheap to get me sloppy, and I'm thinking maybe she was right. I don't even need actual booze. "Just add water!" Oy.
hilarious. sounds like something I would do. what does that say about us that we would show off brand new spatulas?