Overheard in the kitchen while fresh corn chowder simmered on the stove, pizza sauce processed in the canner, and Daddy and Jonah chunked up our very own apples for sauce:
Jonah, seeing Nathan's wedding ring: "Daddy, when I grow up, can I wear a ring?"
Nathan: "Well... it has to mean something. Find a good wife, Lord willing, who knows how to take good care of you, and then maybe you'll wear a ring."
Me: "Yeah. Don't you dare have a wife who doesn't know how to take care of you. I'd have to come and have some words with both of you. And I'd be the obnoxious mother-in-law. Aaaand this line of thinking is getting weird..."
Me: "Jonah, can I have another apple, please, sir?"
Jonah, with the job of handing the apples out of the sink: "No. Why?"
Me, peaking into the nearly-full apple pot: "Hmmm... Do those last few apples in the sink and that should be enough."
Nathan: "Okay."
Jonah: "Yeah, do those last few apples and that will be enough."
Nathan: "Yes, Mother."
Jonah: "Haha! Yes, Mother!"
Nathan: "I was talking to you!"
Jonah: "Me?"
Me: "Yeah, you, you little nag!" And then poking him, "Are you a nag?"
Nathan, singing: "This little Jonah nag of mine! I'm gonna let him whine! This little Jonah nag of mine, I'm gonna let him whine!"
Me, tickling Jonah: "Don't you try to tickle him, I'm gonna let him whine! Let him whine, let him whine, all the time!"
smitten, just smitten