Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Look Inside the Pea-Sized Brain of Tater Puff, the Speckled Sussex Rooster

Hop, hop, peck, peck. Dum, dum, da-dum... Brup, brup! Worm! Bug, bug, bug, grass... Yum! Brup-brup!


Peck, peck... Girls, girls, girls! Food! Eat! Brup, brup, brup, chir! Always lookin' out for the ladies, that me, what!


Ah, here... That feed-lady dug some dirt here in the flower bed! Girls, girls, girls! Ahhhh... Nice soft dirt! Dust bath, girls, girls, girls! Keeps the mites away, I say, what! Brup, brup, brup! Roll and dig!


Girls, girls, girls, brup, brup!

Why, that little whipper-snapper silkie rooster thinks he has something on me! I'll show him!


Hop, hop, peck, peck. Oh, better check for bugs pestering the feed-lady's potted plants here, what! Always on duty, that's me! Dig deeper! Brup!

Girls, girls, girls!

Maybe it said "Tater Puffs" on the box I came in, but I'm no softy, no sir, what what! Brup, craaaw, brup, brup!


Oh, I say, what time! Yeees, yes, the feed lady will be laying down for a rest now, what! Better go let her know I'm always on duty! She's safe with me, what! I'll just hop, hop, hop onto these steps here, not too high for me, what!


Always on duty! Taking care of the ladies!


Heh, yes, what. Make sure she knows. I'm here! All's well, what!


Brup, brup! What's this! The boy! RUUUUN! He has a weapon! Brup! Craaaw!

Best to stay away from him. Back to work, what! Here... I'll try this porch, what! Make sure the feed-lady knows I'm still here and the farm is safe while she sleeps!


Brup, brup! Girls, girls, girls...



  1. I didn't know you were so good at reading minds!

  2. Maybe a bit of ad-lib, but he's a chicken. It's not too hard.


  3. wow your a chicken mind reader--and all that crowing during nape time and he ain't in the stew pot. That says sumthin...

  4. How kind of you to offer your suggestions and advice with Cinnamon & Lavender. I actually did do the paste - 1 time and your comment made me thing that I needed to do a few more rounds. Lavender is perking up, indeed, but Cinnamon is horribly thin. I bought her knowing this...any thoughts on filling her out again? She kidded in March with triplets and just prior to kidding her siatica (assumed) was pinched and she spent the last month or so down - thus not eating well - thus loosing a ton of weight. After kids were born she was able to stand again...but the weight thing is an obvious issue. I definitely will give her a year off and not breed and focus on ways to restore her health.

    Sorry, this is so long, but i couldn't find an email addy to email you directly. awfully kind of you to give advice. xoxo lylah
