Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Party Snapshots

I discovered that it is very difficult to host a party and effectively photograph it.

Especially when it's evening and the light is poor... Er, poor for photography. It made for good ambiance, though.

So I was a bit disappointed not to have very many photos, and especially not very many decent ones. I was just too busy! Need my brother to come be a resident photographer at these sorts of things.

But the valentine/mid-winter party was lots of fun, in spite of the lack of photography.

There were lots of kids!

Cute kids!

And I just realized that I have here several photographs of the same two cute kids! What can I say... I'm drawn to certain subject matter.

Ah, well.

A good time was had by all.


  1. Hey! That wasn't very many! More! More!
    Couples, food....even if they are poorly lit.

    I love the first one of hearts and bokeh lights!

  2. Low light is tough. I shoot with the 50mm a lot in low light, and still end up shooting ISO 1600 to avoid flash. Then the photos look noisy and unsharp. Can't win, it seems.
