Sunday, May 13, 2012

What My Children Gave Me for Mother's Day

*Ear-rings-- The screaming and crying makes my ears ring.

*Flo[u]wer-- All over the kitchen floor.

*A bath-- of slobber and spit-up.

*Jewlery-- that needs fixing because the baby broke my necklace again.

*A heart[attack]-- I fell asleep nursing Andrew at 3:30am.  At 5:00am I woke up trying to figure out why my baby was crying from the floor on the other side of the bed.  (Aaaaand the Mother of the Year award goes to...)

*[un]Dress-- because the baby (or toddler) needs to nurse.


But mainly, they give me thankfulness!  Thankfulness because I am so blessed and I wouldn't have it any other way! 

This is the life.

And I love you
A bushel and a peck,
A bushel and a peck and you make my life a wreck!
You make my life a wreck and you make my life a mess!
You make my life a mess, a mess of happiness...

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