Tuesday, May 10, 2011

He Turned 6!

We're currently away, having a lovely visit with Nathan's parents, sister-in-law and and handfull of nieces and nephews.  And its warm and lovely here and we're more than enjoying it!

I have a bit of downtime right now as Evan naps and Jonah is off at the part with cousins (yay!) so I thought I should maybe show a bit of Jonah's very fun 6th birthday last week!  I already showed you the cake (which was so fun!), so here's the rest.

How many kids can you get on the roof of one little playhouse?

A lot!

I was a little concerned about the number of children who were coming (I had been thining we'd have a small, quiet birthday party this year, but it didn't really happen that way), but it was totally fine and lots of fun!  The weather was decent and they mostly played outside.  They had a great time!

Evan just loved being handed from one person to another all day.  No need to crawl when you can be carried, you know.

 I was glad we could feed kids outside, too!

My idea of games for a kids birthday party is "Go outside and play!"  I'm not a great planning hostess, but they had fun anyway.

 We attempted to do cake on the porch...


 ...but it was way too windy.  So took it back in.

He blew out his candles, and my baby turned 6!


  1. Aww! Happy birthday! That's my kind of party- hanging out on the roof, eating cake, chumming it up! Yep- pretty good party!

  2. I just got caught up. Wow I can't believe Jonah is 6 either, times flies. Baby is gorgeous and your house looks good! Your kitchen looks really inviting with the reds and yellows. The playhouse looks like uber fun, glad the roof is substantial! Go Nathan! And have fun being away and getting a nap or two. So when is the new one expected to arrive?

  3. Sniff... pictures like these make me really sad that we don't live closer.

  4. Happy Birthday to Jonah!

    The cake is gorgeous. I thought it was pretty funny that one kid is all about the gun on the playhouse. That's Jonah, isn't it? Hilarious!
